There is an extremely efficient mass transit system in most of Thailand, especially in Bangkok. This is the #4 bus thattakes you to the BTS, Bangkok Train System which is a Sky train. This is one of the older buses with wooden floors. I would guess the age to be about 20 years or so
still running and better than walking.
still running and better than walking.
This is Thai iced tea in a to go bag. Very easy and less expensive than if you get a real cup.
This is one of the altars in Wat Arun (Temple of Dawn). Most of the gold is gold leaf, all very garrish. The craftsmanship is quite remarkable, the picture does it no justice.
This is Wat Arun from across the river at the river taxi stop. When you are in the twmple area there is no where to get far enough away to get a complete picture. From a distance it looks dirty and plain but up close it is covered with ceramic tiles and intricetly carved figurines.
As part of the new year, (Sangkron) celebration everyone throws water at each other in every imaginable type of vessel, from cups, for the less aggresive, to five gallon buckets and hoses. Pickup trucks are armed with drums of water and revelers to indiscrimantly disperse the celebratory water. They also smear you with apaste made from baby powder and water and sometimes this perfume that is so aromatic it made me gag. From what I've gathered the water comes from a religious act of pouring water on the statues of Buddah at the temples.
This is all going on while the protest are about 2 miles away.